Once again a 'quietish' week at Kirkcaldy Art Club with untutored painting on Monday and Wednesday afternoon, and the craft group on Wednesday morning. Next week it will be much busier with the craft group continuing and also both untutored sessions, Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Pottery 'summer school classes' begin next week from Monday 16th April - on Monday morning and evening, on Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon. This will include ceramics as usual, but also Raku for more experienced potters. On Tuesday morning 17th April our first printing class will begin, tutored by artist and printmaker, Colin Beaumont. On Tuesday afternoon Catherine Lindow will return to tutor her Tuesday afternoon class, with a few new members. They will focus on sketches done outwith the art club and developing them into paintings. Our summer school classes are open to non members and offer a chance to try out painting, printing and pottery. Check out our website to find out about costs and spaces, however spaces are being taken up quickly - kirkcaldyartclub.co.uk/classes, also on our Facebook page, or from Morag Allan on 01592 267641.